Article by Tony Bell on AuraTransformation™

Writer Tony Bell from Kindred Spirit explores Anni Sennov’s powerful treatment method called AuraTransformation™, which permanently transforms a person’s energy field and creates a new aura.

Anni Sennov, the founder of AuraTransformation™ is a clairvoyant from Denmark, who inadvertently discovered this treatment method after a long bought with a severe illness.  This experience helped her to fully recover from her health issues, and resulted in a process which Anni now shares with others.  The AuraTransformation™ helps to permanently transform a person’s energy field and create a new aura for anyone living in the “Old Time Energy Structure” – that is, almost anyone born before 1995.  While AuraTransformation™ is available to anyone to undergo, one must be a trained Aura Mediator™ to conduct the transformation.

Tony Bell sits down with two such AuraMediator™ to learn more about this process.

The article was publiched in December 2011

Author: Teresaa Stovin

Teresaa Stovin holds a Ph.D is Business Administration alongside with an extended training in Energy Medicin. She specializes in assisting entrepreneurs to realize their full potential through the art of science and spirit working together in balance to create success. Known for her Energy Breakthrough Method and Money Wall Meltdown programs, she has helped numerous people on 4 continents to expand into a clearer path, an increase in client numbers, and an easier flow of money.

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