The New Time




The Energies of the New Time

The New Time and the Old Time are currently two different realities co-existing simultaneously on Earth, here and now. Each reality holds it own energy foundation that is completely different from the other. These two realities will prevail, side by side, until everyone from the Old Time (born prior to 1995) has either moved on from their current incarnation on Earth or gotten an AuraTransformation™.

The Old Time, or Soul Energies, can be defined as the energy system all humans on Earth were born into prior to 1995. There is a mixed zone of energies where people born from 1987-1995 had a combination of both the Old Time and the New Time energies in their system simultaneously.

The New Time Energies can be defined as the Indigo, Crystal, and Crystal-Golden energies that have been introduced on Earth by the children born here from 1995 onwards. These energies allow all of these kids to live with their spirit in immediate connection to their physical bodies 24/7 as some adults also do today.

When AuraTransformations™ first appeared via Anni Sennov in the mid-1990s, at this very same time a new generation of children was being born who introduced an entirely new energy here on Earth. These children are now known as the Indigo Children, whose auras contain an indigo tint. As it happens, this is the first stage your own aura will encounter once you have had an AuraTransformation™.

As a part of the Crystallization Process you adapt to your new and complete energy system by passing through certain evolutionary doorways, of which the Indigo stage is the first one. Equipped with the Indigo qualities in your now fully functional Indigo aura and with a size that is many times larger compared to the old aura you had at birth, you will experience a power surge unlike any you have had before. This may assist you in setting new boundaries and breaking free of unhealthy patterns regardless if it revolves around food, relationships, money, work or any other issue that is putting a stopper to your own evolution. Read more about the Indigo Children here.

From the Indigo aura, your aura will gradually transform into a Crystal aura. As of the mid-2000s, the Crystal energy first manifested on Earth through the generations of children born from that time onwards, and are thus referred to as Crystal Children. The Crystal energy is all about balance. A very interesting discovery regarding the Crystal Children is that they, as opposed to the Indigo Children, don’t really care about declaring their boundaries. They have no real need to put down their foot and say “no” as the Indigos do. They have no real need to change the world by shouting from the rooftop. The Crystal Children know their inner balance so well that they simply don’t do what they don’t want to do. Period. They have an inner knowing and understanding of what is “yes” and “no” for them in any given situation. Read more about the Crystal Children here.

Note: this quality of knowing yourself and knowing what is right for you emerges more and more as your crystallization progresses. The qualities of knowing who you are, having the ability to stand up for yourself and being able to listen to your inner guidance are key ingredients in finding your true calling – in unveiling your Dharma. So going through your Crystallization Process will most definitely help you in figuring out what you came here to do in this world.

Finally, your Crystallized body activates the Golden Energy, and may give your Crystal Aura a golden hue/glow. All children born from 2013 onwards have the Golden Energy activated within them from birth. It is important to note that the Golden Energy act like pure life force, so in order to function around others it is fortunate for everyone that it appears in conjunction with the Crystal energy in these children, hence the label “Crystal-Golden Children”. Read more about the Crystal-Golden Children here.

As for the Indigo, Crystal and Crystal-Golden children, their respective aura and body energies are structured in such a way that they will naturally evolve from energy to energy in their own time without the assistance of an Aura Mediator™. On occasion, the Indigo or the Crystal children might require a balancing session with an Aura Mediator™ in order to get their energies and aura fully aligned and in balance, and then they are good to go!

A New Shift in Consciousness

Of course a new energy foundation also leads to a shift in consciousness. But what does that entail?


Kristina Kobza, Stockholm

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