Writer Tony Bell from Kindred Spirit explores Anni Sennov’s powerful treatment method called AuraTransformation™, which permanently transforms a person’s energy field and creates a new aura.
Anni Sennov, the founder of AuraTransformation™ is a clairvoyant from Denmark, who inadvertently discovered this treatment method after a long bought with a severe illness. This experience helped her to fully recover from her health issues, and resulted in a process which Anni now shares with others. The AuraTransformation™ helps to permanently transform a person’s energy field and create a new aura for anyone living in the “Old Time Energy Structure” – that is, almost anyone born before 1995. While AuraTransformation™ is available to anyone to undergo, one must be a trained Aura Mediator™ to conduct the transformation.
Tony Bell sits down with two such AuraMediator™ to learn more about this process.
The article was publiched in December 2011