Book: Spirit Mates – The New Time Relationship


Spirit Mates – The New Time Relationship.

Most people have heard of the terms ‘soul mate’ and ‘twin soul’.

What most people may not yet know is that the concept of soul mate refers to a consciousness realm that is about to completely disappear from the Earth in order to be replaced by the purer and more powerful spirit energy.

This is creating great changes in consciousness on Earth and it also means that we humans finally have the opportunity to join together with our spirit mate.

In this book the co-authors and spirit mate couple Anni and Carsten Sennov describe with love and insight the different paths and circumstances that can lead you to your spirit mate.

Author: Teresaa Stovin

Teresaa Stovin holds a Ph.D is Business Administration alongside with an extended training in Energy Medicin. She specializes in assisting entrepreneurs to realize their full potential through the art of science and spirit working together in balance to create success. Known for her Energy Breakthrough Method and Money Wall Meltdown programs, she has helped numerous people on 4 continents to expand into a clearer path, an increase in client numbers, and an easier flow of money.

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