A Vision Quest to Find Your True Expression

nu-icon-movie-IMG_9773-683x1024This summer I traveled to Laura Hollick’s Soul Art Studio for a creative intensive where we filmed part of the nü Icon Movie. While I was there, we did a photo shoot to express our indiviual Iconic Essences.

Connecting with my Iconic Essence changed my life and clarified who I am, and therefore also impacting my Dharma in the world. Now that the nü Icon Movie is live, you too can experience this profound transformation for yourself.

The nü Icon Movie guides you on a vision quest to discover your Iconic Essence. When you connect with your Iconic Essence, you connect with an unlimited source of inspiration and the clarity of your unique purpose. When you tap into this, your life changes.

I invite you to go on this nü Icon Movie vision quest and join thousands of people around the world for this free, virtual experience. Enjoy!

Author: Teresaa Stovin

Teresaa Stovin holds a Ph.D is Business Administration alongside with an extended training in Energy Medicin. She specializes in assisting entrepreneurs to realize their full potential through the art of science and spirit working together in balance to create success. Known for her Energy Breakthrough Method and Money Wall Meltdown programs, she has helped numerous people on 4 continents to expand into a clearer path, an increase in client numbers, and an easier flow of money.

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